


Dbf2Ecore creates an EMF Ecore metamodel from .dbf files of a DBase database.
After this the data can be converted to the EMF model.

This can be used to provide read-only access to DBase databases and for example convert the data into a different database structure.

The program reads the database structure from the dbf files and creates a corresponding Ecore metamodel. Then Java classes can be generated from the metamodel using EMF.
Dbf2Ecore also provides an utility model creator class, that reads the data from the dbf files and creates corresponding objects from it. These objects are then available for further processing.


This program is distributed under the term of GNU General Public License (GPL). A copy of GPL is included in this package or you can have the latest version from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.


To run the program you need a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at version 5.0 or later. You can get it from http://www.java.com.

Furthermore the following libraries are needed:

Standalone application

Dbf2Ecore can be run as standalone application. It creates an .ecore file from given .dbf files.

The main class is net.sourceforge.dbf2ecore.Main. Be sure that you have the required libraries on the classpath.

Dbf2Ecore takes the following parameter:

Eclipse Plugin

Dbf2Ecore can also be used as Eclipse plugin.


For questions, comments or concerns, bug reports, feature requests, updates and more visit the project page:

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